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The military soldiers

The members of the military soldiers and the civilian personnel Instruction Division staff were used as learners. They were picked at random. There were ten male soldiers and ten female personnel. One has undergone English as second language training, 2 obtained outstanding certificates, and all have master’s degree. Their years of working experience ranges from 3 years to 15 years, and their ages ranges from twenty four to forty. The Tactical Personnel System of the Department of Defense members of the military soldiers and civilian personnel are of varied ranks and ethnicity, with about 50% Caucasians, 25 % Hispanic, and 25 % Asians.

The military and civilian instructors’ handled various responsibilities and job descriptions in addition to regular mentoring to the above mentioned members. They are involved in field operations, office works, and professional organizations activities. Half of them are pursuing their post-graduate studies to enhance their careers, while the rest are taking their time with outside work responsibilities. Prerequisite Knowledge Four out of 24 instructors’ in the Tactical Personnel System of the Military soldiers and civilians personnel have experienced the use of HyperStudio multimedia software program.

An expert was allowed to teach-in learners’. The instructors’ assisted in the administration and management of the learners’. During this period the instructors’ gained knowledge of the program without necessarily having the first hand learning. It built up in them the enthusiasm to learn its operation for actual implementation in their own instruction. Other instructors’ of the Department of Defense, Tactical Personnel System do not have any knowledge about HyperStudio multimedia software program.

Others have discussed about it but, lack the exact idea on its preparation, operation, and presentation. Likewise, some instructors’ know about computer usage but for uses other than HyperStudio multimedia software program for instruction. Attitudes and Motivation Upon learning about the modern technology, the members of the military soldiers and the civilians’ personnel were excited about learning to use HyperStudio multimedia software program for their learning process.

They knew it would mean speed, precision and agenda-based. Likewise, all the instructors’ of the Department of Defense, Tactical Personnel System were enthusiastic and excited to learn about the technology. They all felt and envisioned the ease with which the method and the technology may bring them. In addition, precision, speed, and organized manner of delivering and driving learning concepts is critical in their profession. They are all looking forward to undergo training for its immediate introduction and usage. Setting

The venue for evaluation is the Department of Defense, Tactical Personnel System Instruction division at Fort Hood, Texas where Macintosh computers were installed with internet connections and printers. Procedure of Evaluation The evaluation started with the issuance of: 1. ) Job aid checklist, 2. ) a journal documentation sheet, 3. ) a Rubric measurement evaluation program survey sheet 4. ) An instructors observation note pad, and 5. ) a survey questionnaire to individual participant. The learning began with Instructor pre-activities of familiarization with Hyperstudio.

Using a manual, the instructors: 1. ) made several sample stacks of information regarding the lessons for presentation; 2. ) made stacks list of possible topics; 3. ) made stack list of safety suggestions; 4. ) made stack list of suggestions to illustrate each page to fit safety suggestions; 5. ) made stacks of illustration showing how to make buttons to lead directly from one page to the next; and 6. ) met and divided the learners into groups of two according to areas of interest. The second phase started with learners’ given pre-activities sessions where they were:

1. ) allowed to work with their individual group to plan and decide on what they like to include in their report; 2. ) reminded that they may use reference books for ideas about their presentation; and 3. ) reminded learners that they may gather photographs, diagrams, maps, digital images, and video that may improve the report; On the 1st and 2nd days learners’ activities consisted of.



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Hyper Studio

HyperStudio Tutorial This tutorial was not created to be a stand-alone product. For the best results we recommend having both a copy of HyperStudio and this tutorial running at the same time. This will allow you to receive help from us as you explore HyperStudio. We have written this tutorial for use with the latest version of HyperStudio. In some instances this version of the program may be different from older versions of the same software. We, however, have attempted to make general references in this tutorial so that all users may benefit.